Overly defensive programming

When you're guarding against errors, have you considered what might cause those failures? If you add checks “just to be safe” you may be writing overly defensive code.

Posted , 6 minute read.

(I also presented this as a talk at a local meetup!)

I recently asked a coworker why a certain check was being done, and he answered with a shrug and said, “Just to be safe.” Over my career, I’ve seen a lot of code written just to be safe. I’ve written a lot of that code myself! If I wasn’t sure if I could rely on something, I’d add a safety check to prevent it from throwing an exception.

To give some examples, I mean idioms like providing unnecessary default values.

axios.get(url).then(({ data }) =>
 // If the response doesn't have a document, use an empty object
 this.setState({ document: data.document || {} });

Or checking that each key exists in deeply nested data.

render() {
  const { document } = this.state;
  const title = document &&
  document.page &&
  document.page.heading &&
  return <h1>{title}</h1>

And many other idioms. Idioms like these prevent exceptions from being thrown. Used without care, suppressing an exception is like hanging art over a hole in the wall.

At a glance, there doesn’t appear to be a problem. But you haven’t patched the hole and you haven’t fixed the bug. Instead of an easy-to-trace exception, you have unusable values—bad data—infiltrating your program. What if there’s a bad deployment on the backend and it begins returning an empty response? Your default value gets used, your chain of && checks returns undefined, and the literal string ‘undefined’ gets put on your page. In React code, it won’t render anything at all.

There’s an adage in computing, “be liberal in what you accept and conservative in what you send.” Some might argue that these are examples of this principle in action, but I disagree. I think these patterns, when used to excess, show a lack of understanding of what guarantees your libraries and services provide.

Data or arguments from third parties

What your code expects from somebody else’s code is a contract. Often, this contract is only implied, but care should be taken to identify what form the data take and to document it. Without a well understood, clearly documented response format from an API, how can you tell whose code is in error when something breaks? Having a clear definition builds trust.

When you request data from an external HTTP API, you don’t need to inspect the response object to see if it has data. You already know that it exists because of the contract you have with your request library. For a specific example, the axios documentation defines a schema for the format the response comes back with. Further, you should know the shape of the data in the response. Unless the request is stateful or encounters an error, you’ll get the same response every time—this is the contract you have with the backend.

Data passed within the application

The functions you write and the classes you create are also contracts, but it’s up to you as a developer to enforce them. Trust in your data, and your code will be more predictable and your failure cases more obvious. Data errors are simpler to debug if an error is thrown close to the source of the bad data.

Unnecessary safety means that functions will continue to silently pass bad data until it gets to a function that isn’t overly safe. This causes errors to manifest in a strange behavior somewhere in the middle of your application, which can be hard to track with automated tools. Debugging it means tracking the error back to find where the bad data was introduced.

I’ve set up a code sandbox with an example of overly safe and unsafe accesses.

const initialStuff = {
  things: {
    meta: {
      title: "I'm so meta, even this acronym",
// And within each component,
handleClick = e => {
  if (this.state.stuff) {
    this.setState({ stuff: null });
  } else {
    this.setState({ stuff: initialStuff });

The “safe” component guards against exceptions being thrown.

const { title } =
  (this.state.stuff &&
    this.state.stuff.things &&
    this.state.stuff.things.meta) ||

And the unsafe one gets the values without any checks.

const { title } = this.state.stuff.things.meta;

This approximates what could happen if an external API starts returning unusable data. Which of these failure modes would you rather diagnose?

Performance and development speed

Beyond that, conditionals aren’t free. Individually, they have little impact on performance, but codebase that makes a widespread habit of doing unnecessary checks will begin to use an observable amount of time. The impact can be significant: React’s production mode removes prop types checks for a significant performance increase. Some benchmarks show production mode in React 15 getting a 2–4x boost over development mode.

Conditional logic adds mental overhead as well, which affects all code that relies on the module. Being overly cautious with external data means that the next person to consume it doesn’t know if it’s trustworthy, either. Without digging into the source to see how trustworthy the data is, the safest choice is to treat it as unsafe. Thus the behavior of this code forces other developers to treat it as an unknown, infecting all new code that’s written.

Fixing the problem

When writing code, take a minute to think through the edge cases.

  • What kinds of errors might happen? What would cause them?
  • Are you handling the errors you can foresee?
  • Could the error occur in production, or should it be caught during development?
  • If you provide a default value, can it be used correctly downstream?

Many of the fixes to patterns like this are to handle the errors you can and to throw the errors you can’t. It makes sense to verify that data from an external API comes back in the shape you’re expecting, but if it doesn’t, can your app realistically continue? Lean on your error handling to show an appropriate response to the user, and your error logging to notify you that there’s an issue.

Learning what to expect from your tools is a large part of writing code you can trust. Many times this is documented explicitly, but sometimes it’s only implied. The format of data with a backend API is up to whoever’s writing that backend. If you’re full-stack, great news! You control both ends, and you can trust yourself (right?). If a separate team controls the backend API, then you’ll need to establish what is correct behavior and hold each other to it. A third party API can be harder to trust, but you’ll also have minimal influence over what it returns.

When writing React components, you have an even more powerful tool: PropTypes. Instead of scattering checks like a && a.b && a.b.c && typeof a.b.c === 'function' && a.b.c(), you can add a type definition as a static property.

Thing.propTypes = {
  a: PropTypes.shape({
    b: PropTypes.shape({ c: PropTypes.func.isRequired }).isRequired,

This might look a little ugly, but now the component will log an error during development if your data is wrong. The missing data will likely cause its own error to throw afterward, and which of these messages is more helpful?

Warning: Failed prop type: The prop 'a' is marked as required in 'Thing', but its value is 'undefined'.

// or

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'b' of undefined

External data that changes Of course, sometimes you will have data that you’re not sure about. It might have keys a, b, c or x, y, z, or the data key might be null. These are good times to add checks, but consider defining them as functions that communicate their intent.

const hasDataLoaded = data => typeof data !== 'undefined';

hasDataLoaded(data) && data.map(/* … */);

Well named functions will tell your coworkers down the road why these checks are present. Particularly good names will enable them to make the checks more accurate in the future.

Excessively safe idioms—and even well-considered checks—amount to stopgaps to guard against type errors. PropTypes are easy to add to an existing React codebase but aren’t the only option available. TypeScript and Flow are much more advanced tools to verify your data types. PropTypes will save you at runtime, but either TypeScript or Flow will allow you to verify that your code works at build time. Types give you an ironclad contract in your code: if you’re not using your data correctly, it won’t even build!

Types aren’t everyone’s jam, but they’ve grown on me for widely shared, highly complex, or difficult-to-change parts of the code. For the rest of the code, in React at least, PropTypes will help you catch errors more quickly and have more confidence in your codebase.

When a developer does something “just to be safe,” it’s a hint that there’s an unrecognized unknown. Ignoring these hints can cause small problems to accumulate into large problems. Know what errors you want when you’re making changes, how to guard against those you don’t, and learn to trust your code.

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